Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 3 - Steve's Take on the Peking Opera and Taxi Etiquette

Today we visited two local businesses and the Peking Opera. Operating in a state dominated country has its challenges but it seems once you come to terms with it, understanding it will not be changed might make coping with it a little easier. There are just some things you can’t compete with and it seems that may be what makes the private, non state owned companies a success. They have figured out how to work around the restrictions.

The Peking Opera was different. For those of you who do not know me, let’s just say I am not an opera kind of guy. They do have electronic marquees on the side providing sub-titles but apparently something is lost in the translation.

Many of the locals speak some English, going to the shops is like being thrown into a shark tank and tourists are the chum. Chinese retailers are persistent to say the least. You get a false sense of security have a tour guide that speaks fluent English. Try a cab ride with nothing more than a card from the hotel that tells the cabbie where you want to go. You are quickly reminded that we are in a HUGE city (population of 20+ million) and country where most of the signs make you feel illiterate. However google provides a decent translator, just don’t type it and show it to the driver while he is driving – sorry Popsy, Curtis and Kelly.

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